Thursday, 20 November 2014

Bully: Scholarship Edition Full Version

   Luthfi mau share game jadul lagiiii dongg gaes. Tapi masih ga bakal bosen kok dimaininnya.
   Bully - Scholarship Edition, brosis pasti pernah denger kan? Nah ane mau ngeshare ituuu. Kerenn ga sihh?
   Kalo temen-temen banyak yang main di PS2, nah ini bisa dimainin di PC. Lah kok bisaa? Yaaiyalah, namanya, pasti bisa dan ada.
    Bagi yang belum tau gamenya, Bully: Scholarship Edition ini menceritakan sebuah anak nakal yang dimasukkan kedalam sebuah sekolah sekaligus asrama, kita harus mengikuti misi-misi yang ada temen-temen, dari berkelahi sampai belajar pun ada. Pacaran jugaa ada lohh gaes.
    Ayoo mari dicoba gaes.. hihihiiii xD

Bully: Scholarship Edition
Publisher: Rockstar Games
Developer: Rockstar Vancouver
Minimum System Requirements
OS: Windows XP/Vista
Processor: Pentium 4 @ 3 GHz or Athlon Equivalent
Memory: 1 Gb
Hard Drive: 4.7 Gb free
Video Card: nVidia GeForce 6600 / 7300 or ATI Radeon X1300 (Shader Model 3.0)
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
DirectX: 9.0c
DVD Rom Drive

Download Bully: Scholarship Edition Via SB (3,38 GB)
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Subway Surfers (PC Version)

    Hayooo siapa yang pake android? Pasti ga asing dong dengan game ini? hehehehe
    Nah sekarang ada nih versi untuk PC nya. Horeee! Gameplay sama pake banget kok brosis, karakter nya juga, ga ada yang berubah sedikitpun. Yaa bedanya cuman platformnya ajaa, wkwkw.
    Bagi yang belum tau, dalam game ini kita ceritanya dikejar-kejar oleh si gendut penjaga keamanan, dan kita harus melewati gerbong-gerbong kereta yang sangat banyak, namanya ge juga subway yaa. Di game ini, terdapat banyak koin yang bisa kita kumpulkan untuk membeli character baru, dan juga banyak power-ups yang bisa kita pakai untuk memudahkan kita bermain.
Udah gasabar kan ya gan? Cekidottttt!!

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Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 Full Version

    Malam guys! Kembali lagi di Akhirnyaaaa setelah sekian post, Luthfi ga ngeshare game jadul, hahaha. Game ini bernama Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 atau dikenal dengan PES 13.
   Secara pribadi sih, ane lebih suka FIFA 13.Soalnya grafiknya lebih keren dan permainannya terasa lebih real. Itusih pendapat ane sendiriii yaahh. Nanti deh bakal ane share, asap. Sesuai namanya game ini bergenre sepak bola. Game ini juga populer di kalangan pelajar. Game ini asik dimainkan pada saat nongkrong sama temen-temen tuhhh.
   Brosis pada langsung mau download kan? Yaudah, gausah basa-basi langsung ajaa cekidot :D

Hayoo pilih kanan apa kiri? Gue sih lebih pilih kanan, how 'bout u guys? 
Isi jawaban kalian di comment nanti yaa:D

Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 (PES 2013) Minimum System Requirements

ProcessorIntel Pentium IV 2.4GHz or equivalent processor
Video CardDirectX 9.0c compatible video card. 128MB Pixel Shader 3.0 (NVIDIA GeForce 6200 / ATI Radeon X1300 / Intel HD Graphics 2000/3000)
Memory1GB RAM
OSWindows XP SP3, Vista SP2, 7
HDD Space8GB free hard disk space
Additional InfoDirectX 9.0c compatible sound card

Multiplayer: TCP/IP 192 kbps or higher Windows compatible keyboard 800 x 600 monitor resolution

Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 (PES 2013) Recommended System Requirements

ProcessorIntel Core2 Duo 2.0GHz or equivalent processor
Video CardDirectX 9.0c compatible video card. 512MB Pixel Shader 3.0 (NVIDIA GeForce 7900 or AMD/ATI Radeon HD2400 or better)
Memory2GB RAM
OSWindows XP SP3, Vista SP2, 7
HDD Space8GB free hard disk space
Additional InfoDirectX 9.0c compatible sound card

Multiplayer: TCP/IP Broadband Internet connection Windows compatible USB Gamepad 1280 x 720 monitor resolution

Download Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 Via IDWS
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Pirates of Caribbean - At The World's End

    Ay ayy kapten, kali ini Luthfi bakal ngeshare game jadul (LAGI) yang berjudul Pirates of Caribbean - At The World's End. Kurang panjang yaa namanya? wkwkw.
    Pirates of Caribbean - At World Ends ini merupakan sebuah game adventure dengan mode game 3rd person. Jadi kita sebagai Jack Sparrow harus berpetualang menjalani misi-misi yang ada. Misinya terlihat sama dengan misi di film aslinya yang judulnya sama.(Ane males nulis judulnya).  Yang pastinya dalam misi tersebut kita banyak menghadapi musuh dan harus berkelahi dengan senjata yang kita miliki.
   Cukup panjang juga ceritanya brosis .Ayoo bagi yang berjiwa bajak laut, monggo dicoba, pasti bakal ketagihan maen gamenya kokk xD.


Live and die by the sword! Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End is inspired by the events, environments and characters of both the Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End and Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest films. Players must demonstrate their bravery and swordsmanship as they encounter all manner of crazed pirates and cursed creatures in treacherous, exotic locations. Play as Captain Jack Sparrow, Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann to prevent Jack's dark past from catching up with him.
Enjoy sword-assisted acrobatics, adaptive combat and classical dueling in unique gameplay. Experience the Pirates of the Caribbean world in never-before-seen detail, going beyond the films' events and storylines to introduce new locations, an extended story, legendary pirates and a unique ending.

System requirements Pentium 4 2 GHz, 512 MB RAM, graphic card 64 MB (GeForce 4 or better), 1.4 GB HDD, Windows XP/Vista/7

Download Pirates of Caribbean - At World's End (138 MB)
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Crazy Taxi 3

    Malam guys! Masih dengan jenis game jadul, kali ini gue bakal ngeshare game yang berjudul Crazy Taxi 3.
    Crazy Taxi 3 merupakan game jadul tapi ga bosen kalo dimainkan temen-temen, jadi cocok buat ngabisin waktu senggang kalo ga lagi nongkrong. :p
    Jadi kita bekerja sebagai supir taxi di game ini, dan harus mengantar penumpang kita ketempat tujuan dengan waktu yang sudah ditentukan.
    Akselerasi mobilnya itu loh broo, super sekaliii.  Jadi kita bawa mobil antik nya enak, apalagi sambil kebut-kebutan hahahah....

  Monggo langsunggg dicobaa yee gaan :D


Crazy Taxi 3
Trade in those furry dice, sit back and get ready to make some crazy money. From the vertical streets of the west coast to the frantic mayhem of the small apple and the zany nightlife of the Glitter Oasis, you'd better throw the highway code out the window coz this is driving crazy taxi 3 style. Choose from 12 crazy drivers and their cabs, including four all-new cabbies and drive day and night, including the new location of Glitter Oasis. Impress your customers with crazy drifting and crazy jumping for that extra tip and go nuts in many of SEGA's trademark wild and crazy mini-games. Based on the Xbox game.


# Drive day and night including the new location of Glitter Oasis
# Choose from 12 CRAZY DRIVERS and their cabs, including 4 new cabbies
# Impress your customers with CRAZY DRIFTING and CRAZY jumping for that extra tip
# Play from a range of WILD 'N' Crazy mini-games

System requirements:
Windows 98/2000/ME/XP/Vista/7
Pentium III 1GHz
500MB HD space

Download Crazy Taxi 3 (134 MB)
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Monday, 17 November 2014

Need For Speed Underground 2

      Ketemu lagii yaa brosis sama gue Luthfi di Malem ini gue lagi nostalgia sama game jadul nih haha. Yaudah langsung aja to the point yaahh*gayalupret*
     Fyi, ini bukan versi portable yang banyak di share mana-mana, ini versi Skidrow nya langsung.
     Tapiiii yang mau download harap bersabar ya brosis, karena di RGh*st free account nya cuma bisa 50mb, jadi gue bagi jadi 50mb x 30 part brosis. Karena menurut gua RGh*st ini bagus.(Kalo ga percaya cek aja wkwk)
     Game ini dibuat oleh Electronic Arts atau dikenal sebagai EA pada tahun 2004. Udah jadul banget kan? Hihiihiii, about 10 years. Ga perlu luthfi jelasin lebih lanjut lagi ya brosis game ini seperti apa, karena memang game ini bisa dibilang game yang sudah tua namun tidak pernah bosan dimainkan. Ayoo silahkan di download yaaa brosis.


The Need for Speed goes back underground, to add more customization and role-playing-styled challenges to the long-running racing series. This follow-up steers players though the main drags and back-alleys of an interactive city, which is divided into five different neighborhoods. By seeking out street races and earning a reputation, players will be able to acquire faster, more powerful automobiles and extensive customization options. The game is designed to represent the "tuner lifestyle," and the main mode of play has virtual street racers exploring the city on their own, to find pick-up races and learn of the best places to get new parts. Need for Speed Underground 2 is hosted by Brooke Burke, known for her role on the E! Entertainment television network's Wild On series. The game features licensed automobiles from a number of manufacturers, including Ford, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Toyota, and Volkswagen.


  • Challenge other racers on over 125 miles of roads
  • Select from a variety of cars and customize it to peak performance
  • Race against others via LAN or the Internet in a variety of modes
Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/7/8
933MHz Processor
8X CD-ROM Drive
2GB Hard Disk Space
32MB DirectX compatible ATi Radeon 7500 or nVidia GeForce2 Class Video Card
DirectX compatible Sound Card
DirectX compatible Controller or Keyboard
DirectX 9.0c

Download Need For Speed - Underground 2 Via RGh (1,46 GB) @50MB
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Euro Truck Simulator 2


 Malam guys, dah lamaaa bangettt dah ga buka ini blog. Luthfi sekarang udah kelas 9 nih lagi fokus UN, makanyaa jarang bangett buka blog. Btw, gua lagi nostalgia nih sama ini game. Yaa sekalian ajaa mau ngepost tentang Euro Truck Simulator 2. Cekidot ajaa ya gan!

     Pada game Euro Truck Simulator 2 ini, kita diharuskan untuk mengantar barang dengan menggunakan mobil truk container. Kece gaa tuhh? Hahahaaa... Jalan yang ditempuh bervariasi temen-temen, ada yg sampai jauuuh bangett bikin gempor. Layaknya membawa truk sungguhan, kita harus mematuhi rambu-rambu lalu lintas yang ada.(Tuh jangan nyoba-nyoba breaking rules deh gan, ada polisinyaa hihiiii)

      Kita juga bisa memilih pekerjaan mana yang ingin kita ambil, semakin jauh jarak yang ditempuh, semakin besar juga bayaran yang akan kita dapat.(You don't say kali yaahh, tapi bodo amat). Dan uang tersebut bisa kita pakai untuk membeli garasi ataupun mobil truk baru.Asiiikkk :D


Euro Truck Simulator 2

Travel across Europe as king of the road, a trucker who delivers important cargo across impressive distances! With dozens of cities to explore from the UK, Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and many more, your endurance, skill and speed will all be pushed to their limits. If you’ve got what it takes to be part of an elite trucking force, get behind the wheel and prove it!

Game info

  • Transport a vast variety of cargo across more than 60 European cities.
  • Run your own business which continues to grow even as you complete your freight deliveries.
  • Build your own fleet of trucks, buy garages, hire drivers, manage your company for maximum profits.
  • A varied amount of truck tuning that range from performance to cosmetic changes.
  • Customize your vehicles with optional lights, bars, horns, beacons, smoke exhausts, and more.
  • Thousands of miles of real road networks with hundreds of famous landmarks and structures.
Euro Truck Simulator 2 System Requirements

Genre: Simulation
Developer: SCS Software
Publisher: Excalibur

Min System Requirements
Windows XP/Vista/7, Dual core CPU 2.4 GHz
2 GB RAM, graphics card with 256 MB memory
(GeForce 7600 GT-class equivalent or better)

Recommended System Requirements
Windows 7, Dual core CPU 3.0 GHz
4 GB RAM, graphics card with 1024 MB memory
(GeForce GTS 450-class equivalent or better)

Download Euro Truck Simulator 2 (554 MB)
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